Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Real Meaning Of Peace.

There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace.
Many artists tried.
The king looked at all the pictures.
But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.
One picture was of a calm lake.
The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it.
Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.
All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains, too.
But these were rugged and bare.
Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.
Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.
This did not look peaceful at all.

But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock.
In the bush a mother bird had built her nest.
There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest - in perfect peace.

Which picture do you think won the prize?
The king chose the second picture.
Do you know why?

"Because," explained the king, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble,
or hard work.
Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.

That is the real meaning of peace.
The value of perseverance and persistence as illustrated in the life of Abraham Lincoln.

22 Failed in business
23 Defeated for Legislature
24 Failed in business again
25 Elected to Legislature
26 girlfriend died
27 Had a nervous breakdown
29 Defeated for Speaker
31 Defeated for Elector
34 Defeated for Congress
37 Elected to Congress
38 Defeated for Congress
46 Defeated for Senate
47 Defeated for Vice President
48 Defeated for Senate
51 Elected President of the United States
The Precious Present (part 2/2)

In an instant the man was happy. He realized that he was in the Precious Present. He raised both hands triumphantly into the cool, fresh air. He was joyous ... For one moment ... But then, just as quickly as he had discovered it, he let the joy of the present moment evaporate. He slowly lowered his hands, touched his forehead, and frowned. The man was unhappy - again.

"Why," he asked himself, "didn't I see the obvious long ago? Why have I missed so many precious moments?" "Why has it taken me so long to live in the present?" As the man remembered his fruitless travels around the world in his search for the Precious Present, he knew how much happiness he had lost.

He had not experienced what each special time and place had to offer. He had missed a great deal. And he felt sad. The man continued to berate himself. And then he saw what he was doing. He observed that he was trapped by his guilt about his past.

When he became aware of his unhappiness and of his being in the past ... He returned to the present moment. And he was happy. But then the man began to worry about the future. "Will I," he asked, "be able to know the joy of living in the Precious Present tomorrow?" Then he saw he was living in the future and laughed - at himself.

He listened to what he now knew. And he heard the wisdom of his own voice.

It is wise for me to think about the past and to learn from my past ... But it is not wise for me to be in the past ... For that is how I lose myself.

It is also wise for me to think about the future ... And to prepare for my future ... But it is not wise for me to be in the future ... For that, too, is how I lose myself. And when I lose myself ... I lose what is precious to me.

It was so simple. And now he saw it. The present nourished him. But the man knew it was not going to be easy. Learning to be in the present was a process he was going to have to do over and over ... Again and again ... Until it became a part of him. Now he knew why he had enjoyed being with the old man.

The old man was totally present when he was with the younger man. The old man was not thinking about something else or wishing that he was somewhere else. He was fully present. And it felt good to be with such a person. The younger man smiled at himself, the way the old man used to smile. He knew. I can choose to be happy now ... Or I can try to be happy when ... Or if ...

The man chose NOW! And now the man was happy. He felt at peace with himself. He agreed to savour each moment in his life ... The apparently good and the apparently bad ... Even if he didn't understand. For the first time in his life, it didn't matter. He accepted each of his precious moments on this planet as a gift.

I know that some people choose to receive the Precious Present when they are young. Others in middle age. And some when they are old. Some people sadly never do. I can choose to receive the Precious Present whenever I want.

As the man sat thinking, he felt fortunate. He was whom he was where he was. And now he knew! He would always be whom he was where he was.

He listened again to his thoughts. The Present is what is. It is valuable. Even if I do not know why. It is already just the way it is supposed to be. When I see the Present, accept the Present, and experience the Present, I am well, and I am happy. Pain is simply the difference between what is and what I want it to be.

When I feel guilty over my imperfect past, or I am anxious over my unknown future, I do not live in the Present. I experience pain. I make myself ill. And I am unhappy.

My past was the Present. And my future will be the Present. The Present moment is the only reality I ever experience.

As long as I continue to stay in the Present, I am happy forever: Because forever is always the Present.

The Present is simply who I am, just the way I am ... Right now. And it is precious. I am precious. I am the Precious Present.

It was as though he could hear the old man talking. And then he smiled. And his smile widened. And he laughed. He felt great joy. He knew he was listening, not to the old man ... But to himself.

It felt good for him to be with himself - just the way he was. He felt he knew enough. He felt he had enough. He felt he was enough. Now.

He had finally found the Precious Present. And he was completely happy. Several decades later ...

The man had grown into a happy, prosperous, and healthy old man. One day a little girl came by to talk to him. She liked to listen to "the old man," as she called him. It was fun to be with him. There was something special about him. But she didn't know what it was.

One day, the little girl began to really listen to the old man. Somehow she sensed something important in his calm voice. He seemed very happy. The little girl couldn't understand why. "How could someone so old," she wondered, "be so happy?" She asked and the old man told her why.

Then all of a sudden, the little girl jumped up and squealed with delight! As the girl ran off to play, the old man smiled. For he heard what she had said ... Wow! she exclaimed. "I hope someday someone give me ... "The Precious Present."
The Precious Present (part 1/2)

Once there was a boy ... Who listened to an old man. And, thus, began to learn about The Precious Present. "It is a present because it is a gift," the contented man explained. "And it is precious because anyone who receives such a present is happy forever." "Wow!" the little boy exclaimed. "I hope someone give me The Precious Present. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas." The boy ran off to play. And the old man smiled. He liked to watch the little boy play. He saw the smile on the youngster's face and heard him laughing as he swung from a nearby tree. The boy was happy. And it was a joy to see.

The old man also liked to watch the boy work. He even rose early on Saturday mornings to watch the little labourer mow the lawn across the street. The boy actually whistled while he worked. The little child was happy no matter what he was doing. It was, indeed, a joy to behold.

When he thought about what the old man had said, the boy thought he understood. He knew about presents. Like the bicycle he got for his birthday and the gifts he found under the tree on Christmas morning. But as the boy thought more about it, he knew. The joy of toys never lasts forever.

The boy began to feel uneasy. "What then," he wondered, "is The Precious Present? What could possibly make me happy forever?" He found it difficult to even imagine the answer. And so he returned to ask the old man.

"Is the Present a magical ring? One that I might put on my finger and make all my wishes come true?" "No," he was told.

The Precious Present has nothing to do with wishing.

As the boy grew older he continued to wonder. He went to the old man. "Is the Precious Present a flying carpet?" he inquired. "One that I could get on and go any place that I like?" "No," the man quietly replied.

When you have the Precious Present you will be perfectly content to be where you are.

The boy was becoming a young man now, and felt a bit foolish for asking. But he was uncomfortable. He began to see that he was not achieving what he wanted. "Is the Precious Present," he slowly ventured, "a sunken treasure? Perhaps rare gold coins buried by pirates long ago?" "No, young man," the old man told him. "It is not."

The richness is rare, indeed, but ... The wealth of the Present comes only from itself.

The young man thought for a moment. Then he became annoyed. "You told me," the young man said, "that anyone who receives such a present would be happy forever. I never got such a gift as a child." "I'm afraid you don't understand," the old man responded.

You already know what the Precious Present is. You already know where to find it. And you already know how it can make you happy. You knew it best when you were a small child. You have simply forgotten.

The young man went away to think. But as time passed, he became frustrated, and finally angry. He eventually confronted the old man. "If you want me to be happy," the young man shouted, "why don't you just tell me what the Precious Present is?" "And where to find it?" the old man volleyed. "Yes, exactly," the young man demanded. "I would like to," the old man began. "But I do not have such power. No one does." "Only you have the power to make yourself happy," the old man said. "Only you."

The Precious Present is not something that someone gives you. It is a gift that you give yourself.

The young man was confused, but determined. He resolved to find the Precious Present himself. And so ... He packed his bags. He left where he was. And went elsewhere. To look for the Precious Present.

After many frustrating years, the man grew tired of looking for the Precious Present. He had read all the latest books. And he had looked in The Wall Street Journal. He had looked into the mirror. And into the faces of other people. He had wanted so much to find the Precious Present. He had gone to extraordinary lengths. He had looked for it at the tops of mountains and in cold dark caves. He had searched for it in dense, humid jungles. And underneath the seas. But it was all to no avail. His stressful search had exhausted him. He even became ill occasionally. But he did not know why.

The man returned wearily to the old man's side. The old man was happy to see him. They often laughed out loud together. The young man liked to be with the old man. He felt happy in his presence. He guessed that this was because the old man felt happy with himself. It wasn't that the old man's life was so trouble-free. He didn't appear to have a lot of money. He seemed to be alone most of the time. In fact, there was no apparent reason why he was so much happier and healthier than most people were. But happy he was. And so were those who spent time with him. "Why does it feel so good to be with him?" the young man wondered. "Why?" He left wondering.

After many years, the once-young man returned to inquire further. He was now very unhappy and often ill. He needed to talk with the old man. But the old man had grown very, very old. And, all too soon, he spoke no more. The wise voice could no longer be heard.

The man was alone. At first, he was saddened by the loss of his old friend. And then he became frightened. Very frightened. He was afraid that he would never learn how to be happy. Until ... He finally accepted what had always been true. He was the only one who could find his own happiness. The unhappy man recalled what the happy old man had told him so many years ago. But as hard as he tried he could not figure it out ... He tried to understand what he had heard.

The Present has nothing to do with wishing ... When you have the Present you will be perfectly content to be where you are ... The richness of the Present comes from its own source ... The Present is not something that someone gives you ... It is something that you give to yourself.

The unhappy man was now tired of looking for the Precious Present. He had grown so tired of trying that he simply stopped trying. And then, it happened! He didn't know why it happened when it happened. It just ... Happened! He realized that the Precious Present was just that: "The Present". Not the past; and not the future, but "The Precious Present"
The Interview With God Presentation
Is THIS the way we should Live?
January 28, 2005, 01:25:10 AM
I came across this post, by " Sumurai Warrior ". I would like to share the inspiration they had here.

"I have been doing some thinking on this lately. I'm afraid that the life that we know and live today, might not be around for much longer. I'm not suggesting "armageddon" or "The Apocalypse", I just mean overall life.

Think about it. War is tearing this planet up. People are being turned into monsters just by watching TV. All people do these days is hate, and kill. Humans are on earth for a reason, I believe. I do not believe that we were put here to eventually kill ourselves off. We pride ourselves by inventing new weapons? New ways to kill each other? We congratulate ourselves for winning fights and wars? Why can we not grasp the fact that we cannot have peace by fighting? We strive to establish peace by taking up arms. Is this a way to live?

No one can say that people are getting happier. As time goes on, we find ourselves more depressed even as life keeps getting easier. People are getting lazy because of new conveniences, and it is causing more depression than ever. It seems the only way to be happy these days is by using drugs. People should not have to throw away money in an illegal way in order to be happy. Is this a way to live?

People are getting too absorbed in the mainstream way of life. We believe that in order to "be" a person worth hanging out with, you have to dress and look a certain way. This generation is being raised by television. Girls are being made to think that if they don't look like a barbie, and have blonde hair and a tan, they are not pretty. Guys are being made to think that if they don't wear certain shoes or clothes, or listen to certain music, that they are not worth your time to be friends with. Seeing people everyday like this only shows that people these days do not respect themselves. What happened to being yourself? What happened to being who you want to be? It's your life. We should live how we want, because we only get to live once. How can we love each other, If we cannot even love ourselves? We beat down each other over something so small as appearance. Whatever happened to looking not at someones outside, but into their heart? We beat each other down over skin color and race. How could someone hate another human just because of what they look like? This is a concept that I will never be able to understand. We are intolerant of people who are different, when it is us that is so ignorant that we cannot accept people for who they are. What happened to Dr. King's dream that people would not be judged by their skin color, but by the content of their character? Is this really a way to live?

We treat people we love with such disrespect sometimes. Men not having any respect for women whatsoever. Some men talk to their girlfriends, and wives as if they were dogs. It's so ****ing degrading, that it makes me want to throw up. We love, but then we stab in the back. It's as if love were just a game, and not something to be shared by 2 people who care deeply for one another. People sell themselves for sex. For some people, this is the only way to live. Should we have to degrade ourselves in such ways just to make a living? Many of us live this way, but we don't realise it. We are a planet of whores, selling our uniqueness, in exchange for tolerance. Selling our love, in exchange for lust. Selling our pride, in exchange for happiness. Is this truely a way to live?

Humans. Such an intelligent race. How ironic that we are the ones who can't figure out whats killing ourselves off. We are our own armageddon. We are our own downfall. I envision a world much different from that which we live in. I envision a world where we can accept ourselves for who we are. Where we can exist in peace and happiness. Where everyone has the ability to love. Where the power of hate does not outweigh the power of love. Take a look around and see if what I am saying is not true. We must all change our ways, or life as we know and treasure, will be gone; all because of us. As I take a look around today, I come to the conclusion that This cannot be a way to live".

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Saturday, January 22, 2005

You're a Pure Angel

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most of them go, are all compatible creatures, but Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure Angels always appear when a child is born, when a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and show their love to everyone in the world.

- Anonymous.

"As you become filled with more and more love,
your exterior needs, wants and desires dissipate,


- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"Whatever you focus on, you become".

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"To love somebody deeply gives you strength.
Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage".

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"Love is the power that heals.
Faith is what empowers love to heal".

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"There is only one happiness in life; to love and be loved".

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"Whatever you resist, persists and intensifies".

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey
"Nothing Is Your Fault, Everything Is Your Responsibility"

"Where You Place God In Your Life, Is Where God Shows Up In Your Life"

"Your greatest challenges and initiations are your greatest blessings, because they are your greatest teachers".

"Gratefulness is the highest form of prayer"

"It is impossible to project your distortion onto others when you are speaking into a mirror".

All quotes by Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey

Saturday, January 08, 2005


wild-divine3, originally uploaded by mala_heart.

Wild Divine

"The Journey to Wild Divine is the first 'inner-active' computer adventure that combines ancient breathing and meditation with modern biofeedback technology for total mind-body wellness.

Progress through the realm using the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness. Not just a game, it's a tool for physical and mental health."


Wild Divine - 3 Demo Videos

Deepak Chopra: In the infinite conciousness, universes come and go like particles of dust in a beam of light that shines through a hole in the roof. Whatever is in the mind is like a city in the clouds. The emergence of this world is no more than thoughts coming into manifestation. From the infinite conciousness we have created each other in our imagination. As long as their is a You and a Me there is no liberation. Dear Ones, we are all cosmic conciousness assuming individual form. If you open yourself to the force of cosmic evolution it will carry you wherever you want to go.

Lady: What is the freedom that we're looking for? Is it just physical? What is the true meaning of Freedom? What does it mean to be free?

Deepak: Your mind is turbulent because it is not free. When you're free your mind is automatically tamed.

Lady: What is the nature of time? What is the meaning of time? Is there such a thing as timelessness?

Deepak: Time is an illusion, it is the continuity of memory using the ego as an internal reference point. Go beyond the ego and you enter the realm of timelessness.

Lady: Why do people suffer? What is the difference between pain and suffering?

Deepak:The cause of suffering is un-reality. The cause of suffering is not knowing who you are. It is holding onto things that are transient and illusory.

Lady: What am I? Who am I? Am I the Book Of Secrets?

The Book Of Secrets is published by Harmony Books. The complete audio CD of The Book Of Secrets is available through Random House Audio at booksellers nationwide. (U.S.A.)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"We Are One"

"A photo essay in response to the 2004 earthquake and tsunami in South Asia & East Africa". A flash animation.

Monday, January 03, 2005

The Divine Life Society
"A Day in the Light" - DVD
"Be happy, live in the present moment, and serve others" - Pujya Swamiji
Louix Dor Dempriey - Audio Discourses - January 2005

Included: "Revelation for 2005: The Year of Perseverance", "Receiving the Mantle of Perseverance" guided meditation, and "Ways to Assist in the Relief Efforts" discourse Sri Pranananda delivered shortly after the devastating tsunami of 26 December 2004.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog - Latest News

South Asia natural disaster earthquake list of victims Thailand


Search for missing people in the database, someone may know about them.

If they are not yet in the database, please create a new record with accurate information.

If you are a victim too, search for your own name; someone might be looking for you too.