Monday, December 19, 2005

44th Birthday Celebration

44th Birthday Celebration

This year, disciples and devotees worldwide are invited to participate in three days of celebration for Pranananda’s 44th birthday. To honor Pranananda and invoke His presence, you may wish to create a sacred space in your home, including an altar with Pranananda’s picture upon it, or decorate a chair with flowers, fabrics, and other adornments. Abstaining from a particular food or fasting will also help you attune more deeply with Him and the energies of this holy event.

Throughout the three-day period, reflect on how your life has changed as a result of Prananandaji’s love and guidance. Recall the awe and wonderment of your first encounters with Him and the healings you have experienced during His pilgrimages and retreats. Reflect on how His teachings have helped you heal and grow closer to God. Read Miracles and Lilas on His website as a reminder of the power of His Love. Write a journal of recollections and inspiration that you receive during these three days. Most of all, allow love and joy to fill your heart as you celebrate the gift of Pranananda’s presence in your life.

Thursday, 15 December 2005 - The Joy Of Serving

On this first day of celebrations, share the joy of His birthday with others! You may wish to:

  • Share a platter of vegan treats with work colleagues;
  • Call or visit a friend with whom you have lost contact;
  • Treat a child or an elder to a special outing; or
  • Offer an act of service to an individual or group in need

Friday, 16 December 2005
- The Wisdom Of His Words

On the eve of His birthday, Pranananda shows His devotion to us by giving darshan at a public Evening Event in Melbourne, Australia. If you cannot attend, there are many ways in which you can receive the blessings from this event and share the outpouring of His love:

  • Gather at one of Pranananda’s ashrams or study groups and listen to recordings of His teachings.
  • Play a favorite recording from one of His retreats or pilgrimages, Disciple Training or In the Moment tapes, or one of the many inspirational Audio Discourses from His website. Invite friends and family to join you.
  • Send a website link of one of Pranananda’s teachings, poems, or discourses to a friend, colleague, or loved one.

"The only thing that surpasses having a profound experience of God
is the joy of sharing that experience with others".

Saturday, 17 December 2005 - Pranananda's 44th Birthday,
Apple Tree Planting Ceremony

Building upon the vision for a global clean-up project (inaugurated two years ago for Pranananda’s birthday), in honor of His birthday this year, Grace in Action will expand to incorporate an on-going fruit tree planting project — Forests of Fruit. By planting fruit trees and encouraging others to do so, we give life to Pranananda’s teachings that we are divinely designed to eat fruit, and fruit is paramount for our health and vitality. We will be providing food for humans (and animals and birds) and helping to bring an end to deaths from starvation and malnutrition, which claim millions of lives every year. We will also be helping to reforest the earth, to oxygenate the planet, and to beautify our environment.

This global project will be inaugurated by an apple tree planting ceremony at Sundara Aravinda Ashram, as well as at Pranananda’s ashrams and study centers all over the world.

To celebrate Pranananda’s birthday and participate in this offering to Him, you are invited to plant an apple tree at your home. If the weather is not conducive to planting at this time of year, select and consecrate a place on your land for planting a tree in the Spring time. You may also choose, instead, to gift an apple tree to a friend, family member, or organization such as a school, charity, public park, or senior citizens’ residence. Please review all the instructions and guidelines (in this Forests of Fruit link) before buying or planting your tree.

After the tree planting, serve a platter of fresh fruits (preferably organic) for all to enjoy. To fully harness and integrate the energies of the day, fasting on water and fruit is suggested.

If you would like to know more about the various world-wide gatherings during Pranananda’s three-day celebration, please contact Dria Kasunich, Director of Prema Drala Ashram.

44th Birthday Celebration
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