The Grace of the Avatar

Pranananda delivering shaktipat to participants at His weekend retreat
Melbourne, Australia; 7 February 2004The immense Light of this Avatar in particular, The Maitreya, immediately reveals in others—the very moment they encounter His Divine and Immortal Presence—all that is not pure within them, so that they may purify it by following His simple guidance, His flawless example, and by following His gentle, easy, and loving direction. In fact, so great is His Light that, on countless occasions, it appears in various manifestations on photographs, taken by ordinary cameras (as seen in the above unretouched photo).
Instead of recognizing this truth and prostrating themselves in utter humility and gratefulness for having been so duly blessed, exalted, and uplifted, some of those in the Avatar’s presence have used this dross (He so graciously exhumes from the corpses of their Separate existence) as a weapon against their own Lord.
Even in the midst of such ignorance, treachery, and treason does the Lord, Himself, in human form, accept these unworthy offerings of love as the finest roses in His garden of souls; does He bear and endure these transgressions against Him; and does He continue loving in the face of such adversity—until such time that His children will finally surrender to the Truth and Inevitability of His love and of their inexorable union with Him.
Such is His manner, such is the essence of His omnipresent love, and such is the infinite blessing of His Presence among us.