An Adventure Beyond The Book of Stones!In Stones of the New Consciousness, author Robert Simmons invites the reader to journey inward to the realm of the Stone Beings. There we learn of the astonishing potentials for spiritual healing, mystic awakening and the birth of a new planetary co-creating consciousness through our relating with the stones and their spiritual qualities. There we meet the Soul of the World, the feminine spirit of World Wisdom sometimes called Sophia. We discover the all-pervading harmony that is the living Earth, and the emanations of Wisdom that are the Stones. We awaken to our destiny of freeing the spiritual qualities of the stones, allowing them to incarnate in the world through partnership with us.
Stones of the New Consciousness contains in-depth information on the sixty-two most important stones for awakening the Light Body and entering the path of our unfolding destiny. It offers chapters on the Liquid Crystal Body Matrix, Healing with the Stones, Crystal Meditations, the Waters of Life (Stone Elixirs), Crystal Tools and Jewelry, Grids and Meditation Environments, the Body of Light and the Great Central Sun, and the journey of Co-creation and Transfiguration. There are also in-depth-chapters and pictures for each of the sixty-two Stones of the New Consciousness.
We explore the astonishing tale of the Azez, stewards of the Nameless Light, and their endeavor of enlisting our aid in transforming the Earth into a Planet of Light. We travel to the inner realm of the Great Central Sun, holographic core of Creation. We learn of the connections of Moldavite and Azeztulite to the Stone of the Holy Grail and the Philosopher's Stone - the goal of alchemy. We are invited to initiation into the mysteries of spiritual ascension, and the mystical wedding of Heaven and Earth, which can occur in our own bodies, as we work with Rosophia and Azeztulite.
Many of the minerals discussed in Stones of the New Consciousness are newly found materials not mentioned in The Book of Stones. All of them are met in new ways, through meditations narrated by the author, and through attunement to the stones' own voices.
As you enter the realms described in this groundbreaking book, here's more of what you'll discover:
* The secrets of the mysterious Crop Circle Stones
* The connection of Quartz to the Origin of Life
* The nature of your body as a Liquid Crystal being
* How to attune your body to the Stone Currents
* How to Enter the World of a Stone
* How we work to free the Angels of the Stones
* How we can find healing and enter wholeness
* DNA as the portal to the World of Light
* The Divine pattern of the Human Light Body
* How our Ascension is linked with the Earth's
All this and more are encompassed in this surprising book. It is filled with lavish color photographs of the stones themselves, of meditation environments, power necklaces, crystal tools and visionary art!
If you love crystals, gemstones and minerals and you want to find a new and deeper understanding of the potentials locked within them, and within yourself, Stones of the New Consciousness can open the door.
For more information see: Stones Of The New Consciousness.
To view a picture of 'The Stones', and a List of their Names see:
The 62 Stones.
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