Saturday, January 08, 2005


wild-divine3, originally uploaded by mala_heart.

Wild Divine

"The Journey to Wild Divine is the first 'inner-active' computer adventure that combines ancient breathing and meditation with modern biofeedback technology for total mind-body wellness.

Progress through the realm using the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness. Not just a game, it's a tool for physical and mental health."


Wild Divine - 3 Demo Videos

Deepak Chopra: In the infinite conciousness, universes come and go like particles of dust in a beam of light that shines through a hole in the roof. Whatever is in the mind is like a city in the clouds. The emergence of this world is no more than thoughts coming into manifestation. From the infinite conciousness we have created each other in our imagination. As long as their is a You and a Me there is no liberation. Dear Ones, we are all cosmic conciousness assuming individual form. If you open yourself to the force of cosmic evolution it will carry you wherever you want to go.

Lady: What is the freedom that we're looking for? Is it just physical? What is the true meaning of Freedom? What does it mean to be free?

Deepak: Your mind is turbulent because it is not free. When you're free your mind is automatically tamed.

Lady: What is the nature of time? What is the meaning of time? Is there such a thing as timelessness?

Deepak: Time is an illusion, it is the continuity of memory using the ego as an internal reference point. Go beyond the ego and you enter the realm of timelessness.

Lady: Why do people suffer? What is the difference between pain and suffering?

Deepak:The cause of suffering is un-reality. The cause of suffering is not knowing who you are. It is holding onto things that are transient and illusory.

Lady: What am I? Who am I? Am I the Book Of Secrets?

The Book Of Secrets is published by Harmony Books. The complete audio CD of The Book Of Secrets is available through Random House Audio at booksellers nationwide. (U.S.A.)

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