Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Homecoming

O how I have longed for you
My brother, My lover, My friend

My dream, for so long relegated to a distant yearning
has now finally come true

Here you stand before Me
with eyes that reflect My own eternal love

Somewhere in the storm of man's illusion
an angel heard the whisper of My voice

Traveling the road of discordant thoughts
a heart so pure has found its way home

Blessed art thou for never giving up
on the love I promised would one day claim you

Courting the seasons, bending the hands of time
dauntless was I in My search for you

My heart is now and forever your home
as My home now gracefully enfolds your heart

Live with Me, My son, in paradise
that others, too, will soon hear My call

All that I AM I give unto thee
drink from Me the elixir of immortality

Ask of Me and receive My kingdom called heaven
your birthright, your destiny, your inheritance

Having vanquished Fate
a single ray has returned unto the Sun.

- Louix Dor Dempriey
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An Interview with Bhagavan Sri Pranananda

(The following excerpts were taken from an interview granted to a college student who was doing a research paper on Enlightenment.)

What religion are you affiliated with, if any?

BSP: I am affiliated with all religions. All religions were spawned from absolute Truth, through pure hearts who heard the word of God. I AM that Truth and I AM that word. Thus, who I am, and what I speak and teach, predates all religions, and, yet, includes the best of all of them.

What caused you to seek the path of Enlightenment?

BSP: What causes a drop of rain, when it falls from the sky, to return to the sea? I was born with an innate knowingness of God, and the hunger was there from birth. At some point, it became very clear that the trappings of the world offered no true satisfaction to Me. No matter which career I chose, what endeavor I did, there was always a piece missing. I knew that piece was God. And, eventually, that hunger took hold of Me in a way that I could not turn My back on anymore. In truth, I was not seeking Enlightenment, I was just seeking total union with God. I knew nothing about Enlightenment, nor did I think that I was eligible. But what I did know was that I was destined to merge in, and with, the heart of God. And I made a decision, around the age of thirty, to pursue that, at all costs to Myself. No matter what, I had to have it.

What does it mean to be enlightened?

BSP: Enlightenment is a point whereby individuals have transmuted and cleansed more than fifty percent of their karma. At that point, they are freed from the labyrinth of Separation, in which all humans live. It is then that they are God-realized or illumined (these are both synonyms for Enlightenment), and they live as one with God.

Another way of describing it is that an enlightened being has more than fifty percent of his or her consciousness as being love-based. One who is not enlightened has more than fifty percent of his or her consciousness that is still fear-based. A consciousness that is mostly fear-based is ruled by a force, a gravity, that holds you in fear. You may have moments of bliss, moments of ecstasy, moments of rapture, epiphanies and revelations—when you have experiences of profound love and ecstasy. But, because most of your consciousness is still fear-based, that ‘gravity’ eventually will pull you back into a life that is ruled by fear. If you were illumined, the exact opposite would be true. Because most of your consciousness would be love-based, there would be a gravity that would hold you in a love consciousness. In this scenario, you would still have moments—because you are in a human body, living in the world, and interacting with people—when anger would come up or fear would come up or sadness would come up. But, eventually, the gravity of pure love would pull you back into love without your having to really do anything, because you would have crossed that threshold. And that is the meaning of Enlightenment, as well as the differentiation between one who is enlightened and one who is unenlightened.

What does Enlightenment do for you?

BSP: A better question would be to ask, “What do you do for it?” Beings who are enlightened have one motivating factor in life, and that is to serve and help other people. The meaning of Life, itself, is to be in service to a Purpose which is greater than the self. All enlightened people know this and live this.

If someone is enlightened, does he or she retain it for the rest of that lifetime?

BSP: Yes. Enlightenment is a benchmark—a turning point—in the evolution of a soul, and it is the destiny of every soul in existence. All life, all creation, moves in one direction, and that is back unto the Creator. So, no, it cannot be undone, and it cannot fizzle or fade—absolutely not.

What happens to a person who is enlightened, after death?

BSP: The same thing that happens to an unenlightened person, after ‘death.’ First of all, there is no such thing as death, so that renders the question as being rather moot. The only thing that changes when you finish your incarnation is that you are no longer contained in a corporeal form. You are already immortal; you are already an eternal being—everyone is. And you are already part and parcel of the fabric of every cell of creation—every plant, every person, and every object (animate and inanimate, living and dead). When you finish your earthly embodiment, you simply drop that one form. But you are still part of everything, constantly evolving, growing and expanding into greater and greater love.

Does an enlightened person reach a certain state of being and then seek to help others become enlightened?

BSP: Yes. In fact, that is all enlightened people do. That is their vocation.

Do you believe that people have to go through chaos and destruction, or much pain and suffering, before they can seek the path of Enlightenment?

BSP: They do not have to go through chaos and destruction, pain and suffering. However, it just so happens that most everybody does. There have been very, very few exceptions to this, over the course of history. Look at it this way: Suppose you are a ball. And when God drops that ball, that is when you enter Creation. Now, if a ball is falling, when does that ball begin its ascent? The answer is simple: when it hits the ground. This explains the nature of human evolution on Earth. It is when you have hit rock bottom in your own selfish pursuits for sense gratification—for all the material goals and gains, at some point in a given lifetime (and it is not this lifetime for everyone)—that the ball begins its ascent. And in this third dimensional world of polarity, of duality, that does entail much chaos, destruction, pain, and suffering because all pain and suffering is caused by resistance to God’s will. Resistance to God is the sole source of pain and suffering. Therefore, one does beget the other.

Do you believe an enlightened person can tell if someone else is enlightened?

BSP: This is often, but not always, the case.

Is there anything beyond Enlightenment?

BSP: There are as many levels within the realm of Enlightenment as there are within the realm of Separation. Thus, when ones cross the threshold of Enlightenment, they still have an enormous amount of evolution to experience. In fact, long after you have become illumined (perhaps years and years later), when you have finished refining and purifying all the distortions in your consciousness, you just continue refining the refinements.

You can attain full God-realization, and still continue to expand because God is a quantity that is always increasing. Even though God is the consummation of all the love that exists in all of Creation, that God-head (the totality of God) is also constantly increasing because all of outer Creation (all the aspects or particles of the God-head) are also, each one, constantly ascending into higher vibrations of love, on their journey back into the God-head. Thus, at any moment—even one minute after the ‘Big Bang’—if you put it all back together again, God would be larger than its original mass, because each of those separate pieces would have increased. This is why, once you attain God-realization, you continue growing into greater Love, because so is God, Itself.

What are some of the qualities that an enlightened person possesses?

BSP: Unconditional love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, a deep level of acceptance, understanding, wisdom, insight, intuition, kindness, and caring... and the list goes on.

Is pain and suffering an individual perception that really has no relevance to our existence?

BSP: Well, it is an individual perception, but it has tremendous relevance to your existence. It is of vital and crucial importance in your life. Pain and suffering is a wonderful thing because it is the barometer that measures your level of resistance to God. Now, interestingly enough, when most people experience pain, they immediately try to numb it. They get pain killers and all kinds of medications. And, if it is emotional pain, they seek distraction. This is why human beings are totally consumed with the vocation of gratifying the senses: sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution—anything they can. It is to numb the pain of feeling separate from God.

It is better if you let yourself feel that pain of being separate from God, because it is that very pain that eventually creates the hunger for God. The hunger for God is what creates the Awakening, which creates the seeking, which creates the merging—and then the union—with God. Thus, as you can see, pain and suffering has tremendous relevance to your existence. It is one of the greatest gifts you can ever have—and ever know. Remember also: A heart at peace knows no suffering, regardless of circumstance.

How do we inform others about Enlightenment, if they know nothing? Should we inform others, or do they have to seek the path of Enlightenment on their own?

BSP: You are informing others right now. Now, should you inform others? ‘Should’ is a non-existing word. It is an illusion. ‘Should,’ ‘try’—those words do not exist; there is no such thing. What you ‘should’ do is just ‘Be Love.’

Do people have to seek the path of Enlightenment on their own? Absolutely. That is an individual journey. The return to God is wholly the responsibility of the individual. The awakening of the dormant, or slumbering, consciousness is like a time capsule in the heart and mind of every human being. And on that one given day, in one given moment, somewhere in the evolution of a soul, the bubble bursts and an individual becomes ‘the Seeker’.

Do you know what it means to be in a state of ‘Nirvana?’ If so, what does it mean?

BSP: I know what it means to be in a state of Nirvana, because that is the state in which I live. What it means, simply, is that no circumstance, no person, nor any event has the power or ability to move Me or tempt Me out of the space of unconditional love. I live in pure love and pure joy all the time. I still have certain feelings and moods. There are some things that I find distasteful, and there are certain behaviors in people that I may not like. But I have never stepped out of seeing someone as pure love, (out of) seeing through the eyes of pure love, or seeing the absolute, God-filled vibration of every cell of Creation in every single moment, period. In other words, you have cloudy days and sunny days, and you are affected by them as cloudy and sunny. Because I live in a state of Nirvana, when it is dark and cloudy and rainy, I still fully see the sun behind the clouds, and I experience the sun, even though I am experiencing the clouds and the rain along with you.

Do you believe chaos and destruction is caused by God, and why do we perceive it this way?

BSP: The only thing that is caused by God is love: the creation of love, the giving of love, the sharing of love, and the blessing of love. God is a river that is constantly flowing with pure, unconditional love. Why humans perceive God as the cause of chaos and destruction is because human beings live in the illusion of being separate from God. Thus, they have this natural chip on their shoulders, which speaks: “God, you abandoned me; God, you hurt me; God, you did this to me.” People live in victim consciousness, so they blame God for everything and give God credit for next to nothing. But that is one more testimonial of God’s unconditional love—that God keeps loving and giving anyway. Even for people who have renounced God, or say that they do not believe in God… Is not God still inflating their lungs after every exhalation, and do not their hearts continue to beat? Neither one of those has an ostensible power source. So it is the Creator that continues inflating the lungs and beating the hearts. There is no greater testimonial as to the level of God’s unconditional love for His children.

Do people have to reach Enlightenment before they receive the gift of eternal life?

BSP: No. Everyone is already eternal and immortal. When you attain Enlightenment, what changes is that you now have the experience of your own inherent divinity and immortality. Couple that with the knowing that it is the dharma and destiny of your soul—you have no ultimate say in this process or outcome; it is going to happen anyway, because of you and/or in spite of you—and you, like most, would immediately come to the realization of, “Why not just do it now?”

What happens to those who have not achieved Enlightenment before they die? Do they have to come back to this world?

BSP: You only have one true, full incarnation on Earth, and that is the one in which you are now living. What you understand to be your past lives are lives that your soul experiences vicariously through others, to prepare itself for its one journey on Earth. Furthermore, if you do not realize God in your one lifetime on Earth, you continue vicariously through (what you understand as) future lifetimes, assuming and absorbing the experiences of others as part of your evolution. The journey to God-realization has to be achieved on Earth and through human incarnations. In other words, if it is not done in your lifetime, you still have to work through the human factor to realize God.

Now that poses an interesting subject, because many people find great comfort in believing “Well, I can just come back and finish.” If you truly knew you only had one chance, you would really make the most of it. People waste a lot of their lives. They either glorify themselves over all these wonderful things they did in the past, or they procrastinate by saying, “Well, I can just do it in my next life.” Luxuriating and indulging in past lives and future lives are excuses people give themselves for not making the most of their one, true life on Earth—the one in which they are now living.

Why, might you ask, does what I just said seem to contradict what has been taught by other Masters, mystics, sages—and even some religions—with regard to past lives and reincarnation? There really is no conflict. The world was not ready (until now) to hear of this one, Higher Truth. Humanity needed to see and experience the cost of laziness, procrastination, lack of caring, and trying to pass the responsibility onto others. The state of this world now shows it.

It is only by your adopting full responsibility for all of Creation—knowing that you are God, and that everything and everyone on this planet is you—that the Miracle of miracles can happen, both in your life and in this world. “It’s all up to me” must become your life mantra. Act as if you are the only person on this planet—because you are—fragmented into seven billion pieces (people), as well as all the plants, animals, objects, and events. It is all you. All it takes is one. Jesus proved this. Gandhi proved this. That one is you.

It is only by truly knowing and believing that this life is all you have, that you will finally know and experience the precious sacredness of life, appreciate the gift that it is, and then act accordingly in treating it with love and respect.

If a person has achieved Enlightenment, does that mean he or she does not have any karmic debts left to pay? And do karmic debts have to be paid in order to achieve Enlightenment?

BSP: Karmic debts do have to be paid in order to attain Enlightenment. That is the journey and the process—the purification of the self. You are made as Pure Love, in the image of Pure Love, and you came into the world with a promise to be only love, to learn of love, and to spread love. Furthermore, you are responsible and accountable for every single creation of yours (and there are four levels of creation—thought, feeling, word, and action). And you promised that all four levels of your creation, in every moment, would be of pure love. So, for any time that you create anything that is less than pure love, your soul already had a promise that it would clean it up and restore it to pure love. Now, if you do not take responsibility and accountability, and make restitution and clean up your mess, then the universe acts on your behalf, with your promise and agreement, to do that for you. And that is the understanding of the Law of Karma. The Law of Karma is the Law of Balance. The universe is always in perfect balance, in every moment. If you are fully accountable and responsible, you can balance the karma yourself and not have to have things happen to you. You see, the physical plane is the densest plane of Creation, and the last place anything appears.

Any time you step out of love, you automatically know it—everyone knows it. The heart is the seat of the soul, which is the seat of your own divinity, which is the seat of your own omniscience. The truth is that the heart knows everything in every moment, and, when you think, feel, say, or act anything outside of pure love, you know it. In the private and still of your night, you know. And you have a choice to go rectify that situation and restore it to love, or to be a victim, and then have the universe do it for you. And that is the understanding of why karmic things happen to people, because they do not want to be responsible to sew only seeds of love.

If a person has achieved Enlightenment, yes, he still may have karmic debts to pay. I said, earlier, that attaining Enlightenment is when you cross the fifty-yard line, when you have transmuted and purified more than fifty percent of your consciousness back into unconditional love—the vibration of God. So, theoretically, one may still have up to forty-nine percent remaining to transmute, to purify.

If that is the case, then what about the karma that we are healing from past lives and this lifetime?

BSP: I have already spoken about past lives. There is just you—the totality of you. The principle is the same. Karma is karma. You acquire that which you need as part of the journey to God-realization. Past, present, future—it is all the same. You are created by God as pure love. You enter into the illusion of Separation. And the purpose of every soul’s journey on Earth is to reunite and merge with the Creator, as Pure Love. It is to discover love, remember love, purify into love, become love, and spread love that you were born.

- Bhagavan Sri Pranananda

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Louix Dor Dempriey - Library - Q&A-#39

Q: May Your Holiness be pleased.

Your Holiness please be informed that my job started from the 1st of September. It was one day after Ganesha Chaturthi, when Ganapathi celebrations are on in Mumbai. What a pleasant gift!

Despite the wondrous gift that Your Holiness has given me on this wonderful day, I must admit I have a primordial fear that these wonderful days may not last long. In other words, I have been destroying Your Vision for me in this particular job. I feel helpless, and feel unable to stop this primordial fear within me. Part of this fear comes from the fact that I may have a bad boss. I have had a very bad experience with my boss during my internship with an automobile company. I had a tough experience with him, then, and I feel the same might happen to me again in this job.

I also have this inability to see through people, and as such can be easily 'taken for a ride' by people with ulterior motives. This has already started to happen to me on just the 7th working day of my job. A couple of people are trying to inflict damage on me. By the grace of God, I could see through two of these people today.

I feel something adverse is going to 'happen' in this job. Also, I feel I might be rejected by people on this job. I am truly sorry, but I have been living in a fear-based reality since I have joined this job, and a couple of days before that.

Kindly help me. Is there anything that Your Holiness feels that I would need to know regarding this issue?

Thank You for reading this letter.

A: In the interest of time, I will get straight to the point. First of all, you do not have a “bad boss.” You have the perfect boss, sent to you by Me, as was your new job sent to you in the perfection of My Will. Of course you have the same problem as on your other job. You have not yet learned—or mastered—the lesson(s) they were both created to gift you. You are also forgetting to look at yourself. You are projecting your own issues onto other people. That is victim consciousness. There is nothing outside of self. The seven billion people on the planet represent the seven billion different aspects of you. There is only you.

Whether or not others are mean or dishonest is none of your business. That is between them and God. Your job is to discover why you drew these ones into your life. To show you what about yourself? To teach you what about yourself? To help you change what about yourself? Everything and everyone exists in your life solely for the purpose of your own God-realization.

It is also very helpful for you to remember that people perceive you only and exactly the way you perceive yourself. I will save you the searching time, just this once. You have drawn these “mean, pushy, and conniving” people into your life as a wonderful gift. They are inviting you, and forcing you, to rise to greater levels of self-dignity, self-esteem, and self-worth. What a golden opportunity. Congratulations. Bless them and, in your heart of hearts, thank them for giving you what your soul asked of them.

Should you decide to run away from this opportunity by quitting the job or by getting fired (which is the coward’s way of quitting), you will only draw to yourself more people like these ones; only, this time, they will be even “worse” (as you put it) than the previous ones. Every time you refuse the lesson your own soul has called forth, the universe simply sends it again—this time, bigger and louder. Whatever you resist, persists and intensifies.

Remember, above all, My dear brother:

While it is possible to avoid an entire incarnation,
You cannot escape a single life lesson.

Now that the light of wisdom has shone upon you, only something very wonderful is going to “happen” on this job: You are going to discover parts of your inauthentic self and refine them, so that your own, true, sparkling divinity can radiate from within every cell of your being. Imagine that!!

With all My love, that is forever yours…

Louix Dor Dempriey - Library - Q&A-#40

Q: There are so many things that I do not like about my life. How do I make myself like things I don’t like?

A: You are fighting to hold onto the things you “think” you like. I use the word “think” because you do not know who you are; therefore, you cannot possibly know what you like. You can only have conjecture based on illusion, and that is very far from Truth or Reality. Focus on getting to know who you Are, and in that journey you will find the joy in discovering what you really like.

The likes and desires that people develop in life are for those things which will most effectively numb themselves from the pain of feeling separate from God.

The more you grow to love yourself, the fewer things you will need to do and to have in the material world to make you feel good about your life.

As you become filled with more and more love,
your exterior needs, wants, and desires dissipate,
because love is what feeds you,
love is what fulfills you,
love is what nourishes you,
and love is what brings you joy.
Louix Dor Dempriey - Library - Q&A

Q: I often ask what God wants, but I find that I can’t hear the answer. How can I change that?

A: Start by replacing the word “can’t” with what it really means: “I Choose Again Not To.” “I can’t” is a cowardly phrase to use. It is far more empowering and honest to say, “I Choose Again Not To listen.”

From now on, every time you speak the word, “can’t,” immediately interrupt yourself and repeat what you just said with “I choose again not to…” Right then and there, you will find the solution to your dilemmas. “I can’t hear God in my morning meditations” becomes “I choose again not to hear God in my morning meditations.”

You conveniently choose not to hear God because you do not want to know the Truth. You do not want to know the Truth because then you will have to change.

Once you gain a greater awareness of the Truth, you can no longer claim ignorance as the excuse for not acting upon it. And this is very infuriating to the ego.

Once you become hungry for the Truth, God’s ever-playing radio station in your heart and mind will be heard, crystal clear.

Many seek the Truth.
Few want to hear it.
Louix Dor Dempriey - Library - Q&A-#42

Q: I have my focus on serving other people more than myself, but I have been feeling depleted. How do I continue to serve others selflessly while taking my own needs into consideration?

A: You are supposed to be focused on being selfless and serving others—that is noble and humble—but it cannot be at the expense of your existence.

Your body is what houses your soul. If you let that go to ruin, then everybody loses. You lose, because you will expire. God loses, because then God does not have you as an instrument, a vessel, and a messenger of His love. And all the people whom you have been serving so selflessly and humbly will lose, because there will be no you to serve them. It is a question of balance. You have to drink from the wellspring and source yourself so that you can serve others. The same principle is used for emergency procedures on airplanes: secure your oxygen mask before securing them on your children. A dead parent is less able to help a child than a breathing parent, especially a child who is not able to help himself.

You have to source yourself in order to source others.

There is a second reason why some people feel depleted as a result of serving others. You have to honestly examine whether or not your motives for serving are truly selfless. If you are serving begrudgingly, without joy, and/or while (silently) wishing you were doing something else, you would feel depleted.

The joy of serving is the reward for serving.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


GardenOfRecovery, originally uploaded by mala_heart.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


TheMaitreyaRevelation, originally uploaded by mala_heart.

Louix Dor Dempriey - 'Your Search Has Ended'

Your Search Has Ended

So many are lost, and you are found.
So many are floundering, and you are held in My embrace.
So many have nowhere to look, and your search has ended.
So many have never seen the face of God,
And you live with His adoring gaze upon you,
Every waking and sleeping moment of your life.
So many live in fear of the pain and suffering that tomorrow may bring,
And you live in the certain knowing
That tomorrow’s dawn will bring you inexorably closer to God.

As this world continues to go increasingly more mad, always remember that you are guided, anchored, protected, and will not only find your way through, but will become so empowered, freed, and uplifted that you will be able to be way-showers, guardians, helpers, and saviors for so many others who find themselves lost in despair, disillusion, hopelessness, and helplessness. And may that birth a new and unprecedented level of gratefulness within you, as well as inspiration, hope, and, above all, passion, commitment, discipline, and obedience to the will of God—particularly as I speak it and reveal it to you, as well as when and how you feel it being spoken to you, in and through your heart.

My beloveds, let these words inspire you and remind you how truly blessed is your life. And, through this, may your lives serve to awaken, uplift, and reassure those around you that they, too, share your birthright and your destiny to live and bask in the glory of God.

If there could be but one humble request I could ask of you, and one alone, it would be for you to be the love and the strength for others that I have been for you. There is no greater gift or offering that you could give to Me. By doing this, we merge as One and you replicate Me; you replicate, share, and spread My life, My glory, My love, My legacy, My very existence; and you ground My eternal existence within humanity—its every thought, breath, word, feeling, and action.

Please be this love, this strength, and the knowingness for others, so they, too, will find Me as you have and, in so doing, will discover and remember themselves as Love.

- Avatar Louix Dor Dempriey